When writing new classes, it’s a good idea to pay attention to the issue of access
control. Recall that making a member of a class public makes it accessible from anywhere, including from other classes. On the other hand, a private member can
only be used in the class where it is defined.
In the opinion of many programmers, almost all member variables should be declared
private. This gives you complete control over what can be done with the
variable. Even if the variable itself is private, you can allow other classes to find out
what its value is by providing a public accessor method that returns the value of
the variable. For example, if your class contains a private member variable, title,
of type String, you can provide a method
public String getTitle() { return title; }
that returns the value of title. By convention, the name of an accessor method for
a variable is obtained by capitalizing the name of variable and adding “get” in front
of the name. So, for the variable title, we get an accessor method named “get” +
“Title”, or getTitle(). Because of this naming convention, accessor methods are
more often referred to as getter methods. A getter method provides “read access” to
a variable.
You might also want to allow “write access” to a private variable. That is, you
might want to make it possible for other classes to specify a new value for the variable.
This is done with a setter method. (If you don’t like simple, Anglo-Saxon
words, you can use the fancier term mutator method.) The name of a setter method
should consist of “set” followed by a capitalized copy of the variable’s name, and it
should have a parameter with the same type as the variable. A setter method for the
variable title could be written
public void setTitle( String newTitle ) { title = newTitle; }
It is actually very common to provide both a getter and a setter method for a
private member variable. Since this allows other classes both to see and to change
the value of the variable, you might wonder why not just make the variable public?
The reason is that getters and setters are not restricted to simply reading and writing
the variable’s value. In fact, they can take any action at all. For example, a getter
method might keep track of the number of times that the variable has been accessed:
public String getTitle() {
titleAccessCount++; / / Increment member v a r i a b l e t i t leAc ces sCount .
return title;
and a setter method might check that the value that is being assigned to the variable
is legal:
public void setTitle( String newTitle ) {
if ( newTitle == null ) / / Don ’ t al low n u l l s t r i n g s as t i t l e s !
title = " ( Unt i t led ) "; / / Use an appropr iate d e f a u l t value instead .
title = newTitle; }
Even if you can’t think of any extra chores to do in a getter or setter method, you
might change your mind in the future when you redesign and improve your class. If
you’ve used a getter and setter from the beginning, you can make the modification
to your class without affecting any of the classes that use your class. The private
member variable is not part of the public interface of your class; only the public
getter and setter methods are. If you haven’t used get and set from the beginning,
you’ll have to contact everyone who uses your class and tell them, “Sorry guys, you’ll
have to track down every use that you’ve made of this variable and change your code.”
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Class Members and Instance Members
A class definition is made of members or components. A class can define variables (or
fields) and methods. Variables and methods can be static or non-static i.e. they are
defined with or without the keyword static.
static double lastStudentNumber; / / a s t a t i c member / v a r i a b l e / f i e l d
double studentNumber; / / a non−s t a t i c v a r i a b l e
static void printLastNumber() {...} / / a s t a t i c member /method
void printNumber() {...} / / a non−s t a t i c method
The non-static members of a class (variables and methods) are also known as
instance variables and methods while the non-static members are also known as class
variables and class methods. Each instance of a class (each object) gets its own copy of
all the instance variables defined in the class. When you create an instance of a class,
the system allocates enough memory for the object and all its instance variables.
In addition to instance variables, classes can declare class variables. A class variable
contains information that is shared by all instances (objects) of the class. If one
object changes the variable, it changes for all other objects of that type. e.g. A Student
number generator in a NewStudent class.
You can invoke a class method directly from the class, whereas you must invoke
instance methods on a particular instance. e.g. The methods in the Math class are
static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the Math class for e.g. we
can say Math.sqrt(x).
Consider a simple class whose job is to group together a few static member variables
for example a class could be used to store information about the person who is
using the program:
class UserData { static String name; static int age; }
In programs that use this class, there is one copy each of the variables UserData.name
and UserData.age. There can only be one “user,” since we only have memory space
to store data about one user. The class, UserData, and the variables it contains exist
as long as the program runs. Now, consider a similar class that includes non-static
class PlayerData { String name; int age; }
In this case, there is no such variable as PlayerData.name or PlayerData.age,
since name and age are not static members of PlayerData. There is nothing much in the class except the potential to create objects. But, it’s a lot of potential, since
it can be used to create any number of objects! Each object will have its own variables
called name and age. There can be many “players” because we can make new
objects to represent new players on demand. A program might use this class to store
information about multiple players in a game. Each player has a name and an age.
When a player joins the game, a new PlayerData object can be created to represent
that player. If a player leaves the game, the PlayerData object that represents that
player can be destroyed. A system of objects in the program is being used to dynamically
model what is happening in the game. You can’t do this with “static” variables!
An object that belongs to a class is said to be an instance of that class and the
variables that the object contains are called instance variables. The methods that
the object contains are called instance methods.
For example, if the PlayerData class, is used to create an object, then that object
is an instance of the PlayerData class, and name and age are instance variables in the
object. It is important to remember that the class of an object determines the types
of the instance variables; however, the actual data is contained inside the individual
objects, not the class. Thus, each object has its own set of data.
The source code for methods are defined in the class yet it’s better to think of the
instance methods as belonging to the object, not to the class. The non-static methods
in the class merely specify the instance methods that every object created from the
class will contain. For example a draw() method in two different objects do the same
thing in the sense that they both draw something. But there is a real difference
between the two methods—the things that they draw can be different. You might
say that the method definition in the class specifies what type of behavior the objects
will have, but the specific behavior can vary from object to object, depending on the
values of their instance variables.
The static and the non-static portions of a class are very different things and serve
very different purposes. Many classes contain only static members, or only non-static.
However, it is possible to mix static and non-static members in a single class. The
“static” definitions in the source code specify the things that are part of the class itself,
whereas the non-static definitions in the source code specify things that will become
part of every instance object that is created from the class. Static member variables
and static member methods in a class are sometimes called class variables and
class methods, since they belong to the class itself, rather than to instances of that
So far, we’ve been talking mostly in generalities. Let’s now look at a specific
example to see how classes and objects work. Consider this extremely simplified
version of a Student class, which could be used to store information about students
taking a course:
public class Student {
public String name; / / Student ’ s name . p u b l i c double test1 ,
test2, test3; / / Grades on three t e s t s .
public double getAverage() { / / compute average t e s t grade r e t u r n
(test1 + test2 + test3) / 3; }
} / / end of class Student
None of the members of this class are declared to be static, so the class exists
only for creating objects. This class definition says that any object that is an instance of the Student class will include instance variables named name, test1, test2, and
test3, and it will include an instance method named getAverage(). The names
and tests in different objects will generally have different values. When called for
a particular student, the method getAverage() will compute an average using that
student’s test grades. Different students can have different averages. (Again, this is
what it means to say that an instance method belongs to an individual object, not to
the class.)
In JAVA, a class is a type, similar to the built-in types such as int and boolean.
So, a class name can be used to specify the type of a variable in a declaration statement,
the type of a formal parameter, or the return type of a method. For example, a
program could define a variable named std of type Student with the statement
Student std;
However, declaring a variable does not create an object! This is an important
point, which is related to this Very Important Fact:
In JAVA, no variable can ever hold an object. A variable can only hold a
reference to an object.
You should think of objects as floating around independently in the computer’s
memory. In fact, there is a special portion of memory called the heap where objects
live. Instead of holding an object itself, a variable holds the information necessary
to find the object in memory. This information is called a reference or pointer to the
object. In effect, a reference to an object is the address of the memory location where
the object is stored. When you use a variable of class type, the computer uses the
reference in the variable to find the actual object.
In a program, objects are created using an operator called new, which creates an
object and returns a reference to that object. For example, assuming that std is a
variable of type Student, declared as above, the assignment statement
std = new Student();
would create a new object which is an instance of the class Student, and it would
store a reference to that object in the variable std. The value of the variable is a
reference to the object, not the object itself. It is not quite true to say that the object
is the “value of the variable std”. It is certainly not at all true to say that the object
is “stored in the variable std.” The proper terminology is that “the variable std refers
to the object,”.
So, suppose that the variable std refers to an object belonging to the class Student.
That object has instance variables name, test1, test2, and test3. These instance
variables can be referred to as std.name, std.test1, std.test2, and std.test3.
This follows the usual naming convention that when B is part of A, then the full name
of B is A.B. For example, a program might include the lines
System.out.println(" Hello , " + std.name + " . Your tes t grades are : ");
This would output the name and test grades from the object to which std refers.
Similarly, std can be used to call the getAverage() instance method in the object by
saying std.getAverage(). To print out the student’s average, you could say:
System.out.println( " Your average i s " + std.getAverage() );
More generally, you could use std.name any place where a variable of type String
is legal. You can use it in expressions. You can assign a value to it. You can pass it
as a parameter to method. You can even use it to call methods from the String class.
For example, std.name.length() is the number of characters in the student’s name.
It is possible for a variable like std, whose type is given by a class, to refer to no
object at all. We say in this case that std holds a null reference. The null reference
is written in JAVA as “null”. You can store a null reference in the variable std by
saying “std = null;” and you could test whether the value of “std” is null by testing
“if (std == null) . . .”.
If the value of a variable is null, then it is, of course, illegal to refer to instance
variables or instance methods through that variable–since there is no object, and
hence no instance variables to refer to. For example, if the value of the variable st is
null, then it would be illegal to refer to std.test1. If your program attempts to use a
null reference illegally like this, the result is an error called a null pointer exception.
Let’s look at a sequence of statements that work with objects:
Student std, std1, / / Declare four v a r i a b l e s of
std2, std3; / / type Student .
std = new Student(); / / Create a new objec t belonging
/ / to the class Student , and
/ / s tore a reference to t h a t
/ / objec t i n the v a r i a b l e std .
std1 = new Student(); / / Create a second Student objec t
/ / and s tore a reference to
/ / i t i n the v a r i a b l e std1 .
std2 = std1; / / Copy the reference value i n std1
/ / i n t o the v a r i a b l e std2 .
std3 = null; / / Store a n u l l reference i n the
/ / v a r i a b l e std3 .
std.name = " John Smith "; / / Set values of some instance v a r i a b l e s .
std1.name = "Mary Jones ";
/ / ( Other instance v a r i a b l e s have d e f a u l t
/ / i n i t i a l values of zero . )
After the computer executes these statements, the situation in the computer’s
memory looks like this:
This picture shows variables as little boxes, labeled with the names of the variables.
Objects are shown as boxes with round corners. When a variable contains a
reference to an object, the value of that variable is shown as an arrow pointing to the
object. The variable std3, with a value of null, doesn’t point anywhere. The arrows
from std1 and std2 both point to the same object. This illustrates a Very Important
When one object variable is assigned to another, only a reference is copied.
The object referred to is not copied.
When the assignment “std2 = std1;” was executed, no new object was created.
Instead, std2 was set to refer to the very same object that std1 refers to. This has
some consequences that might be surprising. For example, std1.name and std2.name
are two different names for the same variable, namely the instance variable in the
object that both std1 and std2 refer to. After the string “Mary Jones” is assigned to
the variable std1.name, it is also be true that the value of std2.name is “Mary Jones”.
There is a potential for a lot of confusion here, but you can help protect yourself from
it if you keep telling yourself, “The object is not in the variable. The variable just
holds a pointer to the object.”
You can test objects for equality and inequality using the operators == and !=,
but here again, the semantics are different from what you are used to. The test
“if (std1 == std2)”, tests whether the values stored in std1 and std2 are the
same. But the values are references to objects, not objects. So, you are testing
whether std1 and std2 refer to the same object, that is, whether they point to the
same location in memory. This is fine, if its what you want to do. But sometimes,
what you want to check is whether the instance variables in the objects have the
same values. To do that, you would need to ask whether
std1.test1 == std2.test1 && std1.test2 == std2.test2 && std1.test3
== std2.test3 && std1.name.equals(std2.name)}
I’ve remarked previously that Strings are objects, and I’ve shown the strings
“Mary Jones” and “John Smith” as objects in the above illustration. A variable of type String can only hold a reference to a string, not the string itself. It could also
hold the value null, meaning that it does not refer to any string at all. This explains
why using the == operator to test strings for equality is not a good idea.
The fact that variables hold references to objects, not objects themselves, has a
couple of other consequences that you should be aware of. They follow logically, if
you just keep in mind the basic fact that the object is not stored in the variable. The
object is somewhere else; the variable points to it.
Suppose that a variable that refers to an object is declared to be final. This
means that the value stored in the variable can never be changed, once the variable
has been initialized. The value stored in the variable is a reference to the object. So
the variable will continue to refer to the same object as long as the variable exists.
However, this does not prevent the data in the object from changing. The variable
is final, not the object. It’s perfectly legal to say
final Student stu = new Student();
stu.name = " John Doe"; / / Change data i n the objec t ;
/ / The value stored i n stu i s not changed !
/ / I t s t i l l r e f e r s to the same objec t .
Next, suppose that obj is a variable that refers to an object. Let’s consider what
happens when obj is passed as an actual parameter to a method. The value of obj
is assigned to a formal parameter in the method, and the method is executed. The
method has no power to change the value stored in the variable, obj. It only has a
copy of that value. However, that value is a reference to an object. Since the method
has a reference to the object, it can change the data stored in the object. After the
method ends, obj still points to the same object, but the data stored in the object
might have changed. Suppose x is a variable of type int and stu is a variable of type
Student. Compare:
void dontChange(int z) { void change(Student s) {
z = 42; s.name = " Fred ";
} }
The lines: The lines:
x = 17; stu.name = " Jane";
dontChange(x); change(stu);
System.out.println(x); System.out.println(stu.name);
outputs the value 17. outputs the value " Fred ".
The value of x is not The value of stu is not changed ,
changed by the method, but stu.name is.
which is equivalent to This is equivalent to
z = x; s = stu;
z = 42; s.name = " Fred ";
fields) and methods. Variables and methods can be static or non-static i.e. they are
defined with or without the keyword static.
static double lastStudentNumber; / / a s t a t i c member / v a r i a b l e / f i e l d
double studentNumber; / / a non−s t a t i c v a r i a b l e
static void printLastNumber() {...} / / a s t a t i c member /method
void printNumber() {...} / / a non−s t a t i c method
The non-static members of a class (variables and methods) are also known as
instance variables and methods while the non-static members are also known as class
variables and class methods. Each instance of a class (each object) gets its own copy of
all the instance variables defined in the class. When you create an instance of a class,
the system allocates enough memory for the object and all its instance variables.
In addition to instance variables, classes can declare class variables. A class variable
contains information that is shared by all instances (objects) of the class. If one
object changes the variable, it changes for all other objects of that type. e.g. A Student
number generator in a NewStudent class.
You can invoke a class method directly from the class, whereas you must invoke
instance methods on a particular instance. e.g. The methods in the Math class are
static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the Math class for e.g. we
can say Math.sqrt(x).
Consider a simple class whose job is to group together a few static member variables
for example a class could be used to store information about the person who is
using the program:
class UserData { static String name; static int age; }
In programs that use this class, there is one copy each of the variables UserData.name
and UserData.age. There can only be one “user,” since we only have memory space
to store data about one user. The class, UserData, and the variables it contains exist
as long as the program runs. Now, consider a similar class that includes non-static
class PlayerData { String name; int age; }
In this case, there is no such variable as PlayerData.name or PlayerData.age,
since name and age are not static members of PlayerData. There is nothing much in the class except the potential to create objects. But, it’s a lot of potential, since
it can be used to create any number of objects! Each object will have its own variables
called name and age. There can be many “players” because we can make new
objects to represent new players on demand. A program might use this class to store
information about multiple players in a game. Each player has a name and an age.
When a player joins the game, a new PlayerData object can be created to represent
that player. If a player leaves the game, the PlayerData object that represents that
player can be destroyed. A system of objects in the program is being used to dynamically
model what is happening in the game. You can’t do this with “static” variables!
An object that belongs to a class is said to be an instance of that class and the
variables that the object contains are called instance variables. The methods that
the object contains are called instance methods.
For example, if the PlayerData class, is used to create an object, then that object
is an instance of the PlayerData class, and name and age are instance variables in the
object. It is important to remember that the class of an object determines the types
of the instance variables; however, the actual data is contained inside the individual
objects, not the class. Thus, each object has its own set of data.
The source code for methods are defined in the class yet it’s better to think of the
instance methods as belonging to the object, not to the class. The non-static methods
in the class merely specify the instance methods that every object created from the
class will contain. For example a draw() method in two different objects do the same
thing in the sense that they both draw something. But there is a real difference
between the two methods—the things that they draw can be different. You might
say that the method definition in the class specifies what type of behavior the objects
will have, but the specific behavior can vary from object to object, depending on the
values of their instance variables.
The static and the non-static portions of a class are very different things and serve
very different purposes. Many classes contain only static members, or only non-static.
However, it is possible to mix static and non-static members in a single class. The
“static” definitions in the source code specify the things that are part of the class itself,
whereas the non-static definitions in the source code specify things that will become
part of every instance object that is created from the class. Static member variables
and static member methods in a class are sometimes called class variables and
class methods, since they belong to the class itself, rather than to instances of that
So far, we’ve been talking mostly in generalities. Let’s now look at a specific
example to see how classes and objects work. Consider this extremely simplified
version of a Student class, which could be used to store information about students
taking a course:
public class Student {
public String name; / / Student ’ s name . p u b l i c double test1 ,
test2, test3; / / Grades on three t e s t s .
public double getAverage() { / / compute average t e s t grade r e t u r n
(test1 + test2 + test3) / 3; }
} / / end of class Student
None of the members of this class are declared to be static, so the class exists
only for creating objects. This class definition says that any object that is an instance of the Student class will include instance variables named name, test1, test2, and
test3, and it will include an instance method named getAverage(). The names
and tests in different objects will generally have different values. When called for
a particular student, the method getAverage() will compute an average using that
student’s test grades. Different students can have different averages. (Again, this is
what it means to say that an instance method belongs to an individual object, not to
the class.)
In JAVA, a class is a type, similar to the built-in types such as int and boolean.
So, a class name can be used to specify the type of a variable in a declaration statement,
the type of a formal parameter, or the return type of a method. For example, a
program could define a variable named std of type Student with the statement
Student std;
However, declaring a variable does not create an object! This is an important
point, which is related to this Very Important Fact:
In JAVA, no variable can ever hold an object. A variable can only hold a
reference to an object.
You should think of objects as floating around independently in the computer’s
memory. In fact, there is a special portion of memory called the heap where objects
live. Instead of holding an object itself, a variable holds the information necessary
to find the object in memory. This information is called a reference or pointer to the
object. In effect, a reference to an object is the address of the memory location where
the object is stored. When you use a variable of class type, the computer uses the
reference in the variable to find the actual object.
In a program, objects are created using an operator called new, which creates an
object and returns a reference to that object. For example, assuming that std is a
variable of type Student, declared as above, the assignment statement
std = new Student();
would create a new object which is an instance of the class Student, and it would
store a reference to that object in the variable std. The value of the variable is a
reference to the object, not the object itself. It is not quite true to say that the object
is the “value of the variable std”. It is certainly not at all true to say that the object
is “stored in the variable std.” The proper terminology is that “the variable std refers
to the object,”.
So, suppose that the variable std refers to an object belonging to the class Student.
That object has instance variables name, test1, test2, and test3. These instance
variables can be referred to as std.name, std.test1, std.test2, and std.test3.
This follows the usual naming convention that when B is part of A, then the full name
of B is A.B. For example, a program might include the lines
System.out.println(" Hello , " + std.name + " . Your tes t grades are : ");
This would output the name and test grades from the object to which std refers.
Similarly, std can be used to call the getAverage() instance method in the object by
saying std.getAverage(). To print out the student’s average, you could say:
System.out.println( " Your average i s " + std.getAverage() );
More generally, you could use std.name any place where a variable of type String
is legal. You can use it in expressions. You can assign a value to it. You can pass it
as a parameter to method. You can even use it to call methods from the String class.
For example, std.name.length() is the number of characters in the student’s name.
It is possible for a variable like std, whose type is given by a class, to refer to no
object at all. We say in this case that std holds a null reference. The null reference
is written in JAVA as “null”. You can store a null reference in the variable std by
saying “std = null;” and you could test whether the value of “std” is null by testing
“if (std == null) . . .”.
If the value of a variable is null, then it is, of course, illegal to refer to instance
variables or instance methods through that variable–since there is no object, and
hence no instance variables to refer to. For example, if the value of the variable st is
null, then it would be illegal to refer to std.test1. If your program attempts to use a
null reference illegally like this, the result is an error called a null pointer exception.
Let’s look at a sequence of statements that work with objects:
Student std, std1, / / Declare four v a r i a b l e s of
std2, std3; / / type Student .
std = new Student(); / / Create a new objec t belonging
/ / to the class Student , and
/ / s tore a reference to t h a t
/ / objec t i n the v a r i a b l e std .
std1 = new Student(); / / Create a second Student objec t
/ / and s tore a reference to
/ / i t i n the v a r i a b l e std1 .
std2 = std1; / / Copy the reference value i n std1
/ / i n t o the v a r i a b l e std2 .
std3 = null; / / Store a n u l l reference i n the
/ / v a r i a b l e std3 .
std.name = " John Smith "; / / Set values of some instance v a r i a b l e s .
std1.name = "Mary Jones ";
/ / ( Other instance v a r i a b l e s have d e f a u l t
/ / i n i t i a l values of zero . )
After the computer executes these statements, the situation in the computer’s
memory looks like this:
This picture shows variables as little boxes, labeled with the names of the variables.
Objects are shown as boxes with round corners. When a variable contains a
reference to an object, the value of that variable is shown as an arrow pointing to the
object. The variable std3, with a value of null, doesn’t point anywhere. The arrows
from std1 and std2 both point to the same object. This illustrates a Very Important
When one object variable is assigned to another, only a reference is copied.
The object referred to is not copied.
When the assignment “std2 = std1;” was executed, no new object was created.
Instead, std2 was set to refer to the very same object that std1 refers to. This has
some consequences that might be surprising. For example, std1.name and std2.name
are two different names for the same variable, namely the instance variable in the
object that both std1 and std2 refer to. After the string “Mary Jones” is assigned to
the variable std1.name, it is also be true that the value of std2.name is “Mary Jones”.
There is a potential for a lot of confusion here, but you can help protect yourself from
it if you keep telling yourself, “The object is not in the variable. The variable just
holds a pointer to the object.”
You can test objects for equality and inequality using the operators == and !=,
but here again, the semantics are different from what you are used to. The test
“if (std1 == std2)”, tests whether the values stored in std1 and std2 are the
same. But the values are references to objects, not objects. So, you are testing
whether std1 and std2 refer to the same object, that is, whether they point to the
same location in memory. This is fine, if its what you want to do. But sometimes,
what you want to check is whether the instance variables in the objects have the
same values. To do that, you would need to ask whether
std1.test1 == std2.test1 && std1.test2 == std2.test2 && std1.test3
== std2.test3 && std1.name.equals(std2.name)}
I’ve remarked previously that Strings are objects, and I’ve shown the strings
“Mary Jones” and “John Smith” as objects in the above illustration. A variable of type String can only hold a reference to a string, not the string itself. It could also
hold the value null, meaning that it does not refer to any string at all. This explains
why using the == operator to test strings for equality is not a good idea.
The fact that variables hold references to objects, not objects themselves, has a
couple of other consequences that you should be aware of. They follow logically, if
you just keep in mind the basic fact that the object is not stored in the variable. The
object is somewhere else; the variable points to it.
Suppose that a variable that refers to an object is declared to be final. This
means that the value stored in the variable can never be changed, once the variable
has been initialized. The value stored in the variable is a reference to the object. So
the variable will continue to refer to the same object as long as the variable exists.
However, this does not prevent the data in the object from changing. The variable
is final, not the object. It’s perfectly legal to say
final Student stu = new Student();
stu.name = " John Doe"; / / Change data i n the objec t ;
/ / The value stored i n stu i s not changed !
/ / I t s t i l l r e f e r s to the same objec t .
Next, suppose that obj is a variable that refers to an object. Let’s consider what
happens when obj is passed as an actual parameter to a method. The value of obj
is assigned to a formal parameter in the method, and the method is executed. The
method has no power to change the value stored in the variable, obj. It only has a
copy of that value. However, that value is a reference to an object. Since the method
has a reference to the object, it can change the data stored in the object. After the
method ends, obj still points to the same object, but the data stored in the object
might have changed. Suppose x is a variable of type int and stu is a variable of type
Student. Compare:
void dontChange(int z) { void change(Student s) {
z = 42; s.name = " Fred ";
} }
The lines: The lines:
x = 17; stu.name = " Jane";
dontChange(x); change(stu);
System.out.println(x); System.out.println(stu.name);
outputs the value 17. outputs the value " Fred ".
The value of x is not The value of stu is not changed ,
changed by the method, but stu.name is.
which is equivalent to This is equivalent to
z = x; s = stu;
z = 42; s.name = " Fred ";
Enums and for-each Loops
Java 5.0 introduces a new “enhanced” form of the for loop that is designed to be
convenient for processing data structures. A data structure is a collection of data
items, considered as a unit. For example, a list is a data structure that consists
simply of a sequence of items. The enhanced for loop makes it easy to apply the
same processing to every element of a list or other data structure. However, one of
the applications of the enhanced for loop is to enum types, and so we consider it
briefly here.
The enhanced for loop can be used to perform the same processing on each of the
enum constants that are the possible values of an enumerated type. The syntax for
doing this is:
for ( enum−type−name variable−name : enum−type−name.values() )
for ( enum−type−name variable−name : enum−type−name.values() ) {
If MyEnum is the name of any enumerated type, then MyEnum.values() is a method
call that returns a list containing all of the values of the enum. (values() is a static
member method in MyEnum and of any other enum.) For this enumerated type, the
for loop would have the form:
for ( MyEnum variable−name : MyEnum.values() )
The intent of this is to execute the statement once for each of the possible values of
the MyEnum type. The variable-name is the loop control variable. In the statement,
it represents the enumerated type value that is currently being processed. This variable
should not be declared before the for loop; it is essentially being declared in the
loop itself.
To give a concrete example, suppose that the following enumerated type has been
defined to represent the days of the week:
Then we could write:
for ( Day d : Day.values() ) {
System.out.print( d );
System.out.print(" i s day number ");
System.out.println( d.ordinal() );
Day.values() represents the list containing the seven constants that make up the
enumerated type. The first time through this loop, the value of d would be the first
enumerated type value Day.MONDAY, which has ordinal number 0, so the output
would be “MONDAY is day number0”. The second time through the loop, the value
of d would be Day.TUESDAY, and so on through Day.SUNDAY. The body of the loop
is executed once for each item in the list Day.values(), with d taking on each of those
values in turn. The full output from this loop would be:
MONDAY is day number 0
TUESDAY is day number 1
WEDNESDAY is day number 2
THURSDAY is day number 3
FRIDAY is day number 4
SATURDAY is day number 5
SUNDAY is day number 6
Since the intent of the enhanced for loop is to do something “for each” item in a
data structure, it is often called a for-each loop. The syntax for this type of loop is
unfortunate. It would be better if it were written something like “foreach Day d in
Day.values()”, which conveys the meaning much better and is similar to the syntax
used in other programming languages for similar types of loops. It’s helpful to think
of the colon (:) in the loop as meaning “in.”
convenient for processing data structures. A data structure is a collection of data
items, considered as a unit. For example, a list is a data structure that consists
simply of a sequence of items. The enhanced for loop makes it easy to apply the
same processing to every element of a list or other data structure. However, one of
the applications of the enhanced for loop is to enum types, and so we consider it
briefly here.
The enhanced for loop can be used to perform the same processing on each of the
enum constants that are the possible values of an enumerated type. The syntax for
doing this is:
for ( enum−type−name variable−name : enum−type−name.values() )
for ( enum−type−name variable−name : enum−type−name.values() ) {
If MyEnum is the name of any enumerated type, then MyEnum.values() is a method
call that returns a list containing all of the values of the enum. (values() is a static
member method in MyEnum and of any other enum.) For this enumerated type, the
for loop would have the form:
for ( MyEnum variable−name : MyEnum.values() )
The intent of this is to execute the statement once for each of the possible values of
the MyEnum type. The variable-name is the loop control variable. In the statement,
it represents the enumerated type value that is currently being processed. This variable
should not be declared before the for loop; it is essentially being declared in the
loop itself.
To give a concrete example, suppose that the following enumerated type has been
defined to represent the days of the week:
Then we could write:
for ( Day d : Day.values() ) {
System.out.print( d );
System.out.print(" i s day number ");
System.out.println( d.ordinal() );
Day.values() represents the list containing the seven constants that make up the
enumerated type. The first time through this loop, the value of d would be the first
enumerated type value Day.MONDAY, which has ordinal number 0, so the output
would be “MONDAY is day number0”. The second time through the loop, the value
of d would be Day.TUESDAY, and so on through Day.SUNDAY. The body of the loop
is executed once for each item in the list Day.values(), with d taking on each of those
values in turn. The full output from this loop would be:
MONDAY is day number 0
TUESDAY is day number 1
WEDNESDAY is day number 2
THURSDAY is day number 3
FRIDAY is day number 4
SATURDAY is day number 5
SUNDAY is day number 6
Since the intent of the enhanced for loop is to do something “for each” item in a
data structure, it is often called a for-each loop. The syntax for this type of loop is
unfortunate. It would be better if it were written something like “foreach Day d in
Day.values()”, which conveys the meaning much better and is similar to the syntax
used in other programming languages for similar types of loops. It’s helpful to think
of the colon (:) in the loop as meaning “in.”
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Introduction to Enums
Ghar Builder
JAVA comes with eight built-in primitive types and a large set of types that are defined
by classes, such as String. But even this large collection of types is not sufficient
to cover all the possible situations that a programmer might have to deal with.
So, an essential part of JAVA, just like almost any other programming language, is the
ability to create new types. For the most part, this is done by defining new classes.
But we will look here at one particular case: the ability to define enums (short for
enumerated types). Enums are a recent addition to JAVA. They were only added in
Version 5.0. Many programming languages have something similar.
Technically, an enum is considered to be a special kind of class. In this section, we
will look at enums in a simplified form. In practice, most uses of enums will only need
the simplified form that is presented here.
An enum is a type that has a fixed list of possible values, which is specified
when the enum is created.
In some ways, an enum is similar to the boolean data type, which has true and false
as its only possible values. However, boolean is a primitive type, while an enum is
The definition of an enum types has the (simplified) form:
enum enum−type−name { list−of−enum−values };
This definition cannot be inside a method. You can place it outside the main()
method of the program. The enum−type−name can be any simple identifier. This
identifier becomes the name of the enum type, in the same way that “boolean” is the
name of the boolean type and “String” is the name of the String type. Each value in
the list−of−enum−values must be a simple identifier, and the identifiers in the list
are separated by commas. For example, here is the definition of an enum type named
Season whose values are the names of the four seasons of the year:
By convention, enum values are given names that are made up of upper case letters,
but that is a style guideline and not a syntax rule. Enum values are not variables.
Each value is a constant that always has the same value. In fact, the possible
values of an enum type are usually referred to as enum constants.
Note that the enum constants of type Season are considered to be “contained in”
Season, which means–following the convention that compound identifiers are used
for things that are contained in other things–the names that you actually use in your
program to refer to them are Season.SPRING, Season.SUMMER, Season.AUTUMN, and
Once an enum type has been created, it can be used to declare variables in exactly
the same ways that other types are used. For example, you can declare a variable
named vacation of type Season with the statement:
Season vacation;
After declaring the variable, you can assign a value to it using an assignment
statement. The value on the right-hand side of the assignment can be one of the enum
constants of type Season. Remember to use the full name of the constant, including
“Season”! For example: vacation = Season.SUMMER;.
You can print an enum value with the statement: System.out.print(vacation).
The output value will be the name of the enum constant (without the “Season.”). In
this case, the output would be “SUMMER”.
Because an enum is technically a class, the enum values are technically objects.
As objects, they can contain methods. One of the methods in every enum value is
ordinal(). When used with an enum value it returns the ordinal number of the
value in the list of values of the enum. The ordinal number simply tells the position
of the value in the list. That is, Season.SPRING.ordinal() is the int value
0, Season.SUMMER.ordinal() is 1, while 2 is Season.AUTUMN.ordinal(), and 3 is
Season.WINTER.ordinal() is. You can use the ordinal() method with a variable of
type Season, such as vacation.ordinal() in our example.
You should appreciate enums as the first example of an important concept: creating
new types. Here is an example that shows enums being used in a complete
public class EnumDemo {
/ / Define two enum types−−d e f i n i t i o n s go OUTSIDE The main ( ) r o u t i n e !
public static void main(String[] args) {
Day tgif; / / Declare a v a r i a b l e of type Day .
Month libra; / / Declare a v a r i a b l e of type Month .
tgif = Day.FRIDAY; / / Assign a value of type Day to t g i f .
libra = Month.OCT; / / Assign a value of type Month to l i b r a .
System.out.print("My s ign i s l ibra , since I was born in ");
System.out.println(libra); / / Output value w i l l be : OCT
System.out.print(" That ’ s the ");
System.out.print( libra.ordinal() );
System.out.println("−th month of the year . ");
System.out.println(" (Counting from 0 , of course ! ) ");
System.out.print(" I sn ’ t i t nice to get to ");
System.out.println(tgif); / / Output value w i l l be : FRIDAY
System.out.println( tgif + " i s the " + tgif.ordinal()
+ "−th day of the week. "); / / Can concatenate enum values onto St r ings !
Saturday, March 20, 2010
JAVA, like most programming languages classifies values and expressions into types.
For e.g. String’s and int’s are types. A type basically specifies the allowed values
and allowed operations on values of that type.
Definition: A type is a set of values together with one or more operations
that can be applied uniformly to all these values.
A type system basically gives meaning to collections of bits. Because any value
simply consists of a set of bits in a computer, the hardware makes no distinction
between memory addresses, instruction code, characters, integers and floating-point
numbers. Types inform programs and programmers how they should treat those bits.
For example the integers are a type with values in the range −2, 147, 483, 648 to +
2, 147, 483, 647 and various allowed operations that include addition, subtraction, modulus
The use of types by a programming language has several advantages:
• Safety. Use of types may allow a compiler to detect meaningless or invalid code.
For example, we can identify an expression ”Hello, World” / 3 as invalid because
one cannot divide a string literal by an integer. Strong typing offers more safety.
• Optimization. Static type-checking may provide useful information to a compiler.
The compiler may then be able to generate more efficient code.
• Documentation. Types can serve as a form of documentation, since they can
illustrate the intent of the programmer. For instance, timestamps may be a
subtype of integers – but if a programmer declares a method as returning a
timestamp rather than merely an integer, this documents part of the meaning
of the method.
• Abstraction. Types allow programmers to think about programs at a higher
level, not bothering with low-level implementation. For example, programmers
can think of strings as values instead of as a mere array of bytes.
There are fundamentally two types in JAVA: primitive types and objects types i.e.
any variable you declare are either declared to be one of the primitive types or an
object type. int, double and char are the built-in, primitive types in JAVA.
The primitive types can be used in various combinations to create other, composite
types. Every time we define a class, we are actually defining a new type. For example,
the Student class defined above introduces a new type. We can now use this type like
any other type: we can declare variables to be of this type and we can use it as a type
for parameters of methods.
Before a variable can be used, it must be declared. A declaration gives a variable
a name, a type and an initial value for e.g. int x = 8 declares x to be of type int. All
objects that we declare also have to be of a specified type—the type of an object is the
class from which it is created. Thus, when we declare objects we state the type like
so: Student st = new Student();. This statement declares the variable st to be of
type Student. This statement creates a new object of the specified type and runs the
Student constructor. The constructor’s job is to properly initialize the object.
The String type is another example of an object type. Student and String are
composite types and give us the same advantages as the built-in types. The ability to
create our own types is a very powerful idea in modern languages.
When declaring variables, we can assign initial values. If you do not specify initial
values, the compiler automatically assigns one: Instance variables of numerical
type (int, double, etc.) are automatically initialized to zero; boolean variables are
initialized to false; and char variables, to the Unicode character with code number
zero. The default initial value of object types is null.
For e.g. String’s and int’s are types. A type basically specifies the allowed values
and allowed operations on values of that type.
Definition: A type is a set of values together with one or more operations
that can be applied uniformly to all these values.
A type system basically gives meaning to collections of bits. Because any value
simply consists of a set of bits in a computer, the hardware makes no distinction
between memory addresses, instruction code, characters, integers and floating-point
numbers. Types inform programs and programmers how they should treat those bits.
For example the integers are a type with values in the range −2, 147, 483, 648 to +
2, 147, 483, 647 and various allowed operations that include addition, subtraction, modulus
The use of types by a programming language has several advantages:
• Safety. Use of types may allow a compiler to detect meaningless or invalid code.
For example, we can identify an expression ”Hello, World” / 3 as invalid because
one cannot divide a string literal by an integer. Strong typing offers more safety.
• Optimization. Static type-checking may provide useful information to a compiler.
The compiler may then be able to generate more efficient code.
• Documentation. Types can serve as a form of documentation, since they can
illustrate the intent of the programmer. For instance, timestamps may be a
subtype of integers – but if a programmer declares a method as returning a
timestamp rather than merely an integer, this documents part of the meaning
of the method.
• Abstraction. Types allow programmers to think about programs at a higher
level, not bothering with low-level implementation. For example, programmers
can think of strings as values instead of as a mere array of bytes.
There are fundamentally two types in JAVA: primitive types and objects types i.e.
any variable you declare are either declared to be one of the primitive types or an
object type. int, double and char are the built-in, primitive types in JAVA.
The primitive types can be used in various combinations to create other, composite
types. Every time we define a class, we are actually defining a new type. For example,
the Student class defined above introduces a new type. We can now use this type like
any other type: we can declare variables to be of this type and we can use it as a type
for parameters of methods.
Before a variable can be used, it must be declared. A declaration gives a variable
a name, a type and an initial value for e.g. int x = 8 declares x to be of type int. All
objects that we declare also have to be of a specified type—the type of an object is the
class from which it is created. Thus, when we declare objects we state the type like
so: Student st = new Student();. This statement declares the variable st to be of
type Student. This statement creates a new object of the specified type and runs the
Student constructor. The constructor’s job is to properly initialize the object.
The String type is another example of an object type. Student and String are
composite types and give us the same advantages as the built-in types. The ability to
create our own types is a very powerful idea in modern languages.
When declaring variables, we can assign initial values. If you do not specify initial
values, the compiler automatically assigns one: Instance variables of numerical
type (int, double, etc.) are automatically initialized to zero; boolean variables are
initialized to false; and char variables, to the Unicode character with code number
zero. The default initial value of object types is null.
In object-oriented software, it’s possible to have many objects of the same kind that
share characteristics: rectangles, employee records, video clips, and so on. A class is
a software blueprint for objects. A class is used to manufacture or create objects.
The class declares the instance variables necessary to contain the state of every
object. The class would also declare and provide implementations for the instance
methods necessary to operate on the state of the object.
Definition: A class is a blueprint that defines the variables and the methods
common to all objects of a certain kind.
After you’ve created the class, you can create any number of objects from that
A class is a kind of factory for constructing objects. The non-static parts of the
class specify, or describe, what variables and methods the objects will contain. This
is part of the explanation of how objects differ from classes: Objects are created and
destroyed as the program runs, and there can be many objects with the same structure,
if they are created using the same class.
share characteristics: rectangles, employee records, video clips, and so on. A class is
a software blueprint for objects. A class is used to manufacture or create objects.
The class declares the instance variables necessary to contain the state of every
object. The class would also declare and provide implementations for the instance
methods necessary to operate on the state of the object.
Definition: A class is a blueprint that defines the variables and the methods
common to all objects of a certain kind.
After you’ve created the class, you can create any number of objects from that
A class is a kind of factory for constructing objects. The non-static parts of the
class specify, or describe, what variables and methods the objects will contain. This
is part of the explanation of how objects differ from classes: Objects are created and
destroyed as the program runs, and there can be many objects with the same structure,
if they are created using the same class.
Software objects interact and communicate with each other by sending messages to
each other. When object A wants object B to perform one of B’s methods, object A
sends a message to object B
There are three parts of a message: The three parts for the message
System.out.println{‘‘Hello World’’}; are:
• The object to which the message is addressed (System.out)
• The name of the method to perform (println)
• Any parameters needed by the method (“Hello World!”)
each other. When object A wants object B to perform one of B’s methods, object A
sends a message to object B
There are three parts of a message: The three parts for the message
System.out.println{‘‘Hello World’’}; are:
• The object to which the message is addressed (System.out)
• The name of the method to perform (println)
• Any parameters needed by the method (“Hello World!”)
Object diagrams show that an object’s variables make up the center, or nucleus, of
the object. Methods surround and hide the object’s nucleus from other objects in the
program. Packaging an object’s variables within the protective custody of its methods
is called encapsulation.
Encapsulating related variables and methods into a neat software bundle is a
simple yet powerful idea that provides two benefits to software developers:
• Modularity: The source code for an object can be written and maintained independently
of the source code for other objects. Also, an object can be easily
passed around in the system. You can give your bicycle to someone else, and it
will still work.
• Information-hiding: An object has a public interface that other objects can use
to communicate with it. The object can maintain private information and methods
that can be changed at any time without affecting other objects that depend
on it.
the object. Methods surround and hide the object’s nucleus from other objects in the
program. Packaging an object’s variables within the protective custody of its methods
is called encapsulation.
Encapsulating related variables and methods into a neat software bundle is a
simple yet powerful idea that provides two benefits to software developers:
• Modularity: The source code for an object can be written and maintained independently
of the source code for other objects. Also, an object can be easily
passed around in the system. You can give your bicycle to someone else, and it
will still work.
• Information-hiding: An object has a public interface that other objects can use
to communicate with it. The object can maintain private information and methods
that can be changed at any time without affecting other objects that depend
on it.
Fundamentals of Objects and Classes
We move now from the conceptual picture of objects and classes to a discussion of
software classes and objects.4
Objects are closely related to classes. A class can contain variables and methods.
If an object is also a collection of variables and methods, how do they differ from
Objects and Classes
In object-oriented programming we create software objects that model real world objects.
Software objects are modeled after real-world objects in that they too have
state and behavior. A software object maintains its state in one or more variables. A
variable is an item of data named by an identifier. A software object implements its
behavior with methods. A method is a function associated with an object.
Definition: An object is a software bundle of variables and related methods.
An object is also known as an instance. An instance refers to a particular object.
For e.g. Karuna’s bicycle is an instance of a bicycle—It refers to a particular bicycle.
Sandile Zuma is an instance of a Student.
The variables of an object are formally known as instance variables because they
contain the state for a particular object or instance. In a running program, there
may be many instances of an object. For e.g. there may be many Student objects.
Each of these objects will have their own instance variables and each object may have
different values stored in their instance variables. For e.g. each Student object will
have a different number stored in its StudentNumber variable.
software classes and objects.4
Objects are closely related to classes. A class can contain variables and methods.
If an object is also a collection of variables and methods, how do they differ from
Objects and Classes
In object-oriented programming we create software objects that model real world objects.
Software objects are modeled after real-world objects in that they too have
state and behavior. A software object maintains its state in one or more variables. A
variable is an item of data named by an identifier. A software object implements its
behavior with methods. A method is a function associated with an object.
Definition: An object is a software bundle of variables and related methods.
An object is also known as an instance. An instance refers to a particular object.
For e.g. Karuna’s bicycle is an instance of a bicycle—It refers to a particular bicycle.
Sandile Zuma is an instance of a Student.
The variables of an object are formally known as instance variables because they
contain the state for a particular object or instance. In a running program, there
may be many instances of an object. For e.g. there may be many Student objects.
Each of these objects will have their own instance variables and each object may have
different values stored in their instance variables. For e.g. each Student object will
have a different number stored in its StudentNumber variable.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Classes and Instances
The next important principle of object-oriented programming is
All objects are instances of a class. The method invoked by an object in
response to a message is determined by the class of the receiver. All objects
of a given class use the same method in response to similar messages.
Fred is an instance of a category or class of people i.e. Fred is an instance of a
class of florists. The term florist represents a class or category of all florists. Fred is
an object or instance of a class.
We interact with instances of a class but the class determines the behaviour of instances.
We can tell a lot about how Fred will behave by understanding how Florists
behave. We know, for example, that Fred, like all florists can arrange and deliver
In the real world there is this distinction between classes and objects. Real-world
objects share two characteristics: They all have state and behavior. For example, dogs
have state (name, color, breed, hungry) and behavior (barking, fetching, wagging tail).
Students have state (name, student number, courses they are registered for, gender)
and behavior (take tests, attend courses, write tests, party).
All objects are instances of a class. The method invoked by an object in
response to a message is determined by the class of the receiver. All objects
of a given class use the same method in response to similar messages.
Fred is an instance of a category or class of people i.e. Fred is an instance of a
class of florists. The term florist represents a class or category of all florists. Fred is
an object or instance of a class.
We interact with instances of a class but the class determines the behaviour of instances.
We can tell a lot about how Fred will behave by understanding how Florists
behave. We know, for example, that Fred, like all florists can arrange and deliver
In the real world there is this distinction between classes and objects. Real-world
objects share two characteristics: They all have state and behavior. For example, dogs
have state (name, color, breed, hungry) and behavior (barking, fetching, wagging tail).
Students have state (name, student number, courses they are registered for, gender)
and behavior (take tests, attend courses, write tests, party).
Messages and Responsibilities
Members of an object-oriented community make requests of each other. The next
important principle explains the use of messages to initiate action:
Action is initiated in object-oriented programming by the transmission of a
message to an agent (an object) responsible for the actions. The message
encodes the request for an action and is accompanied by any additional
information (arguments/parameters) needed to carry out the request. The
receiver is the object to whom the message is sent. If the receiver accepts the message, it accepts responsibility to carry out the indicated action. In
response to a message, the receiver will perform some method to satisfy the
There are some important issues to point out here:
• The client sending the request need not know the means by which the request
is carried out. In this we see the principle of information hiding.
• Another principle implicit in message passing is the idea of finding someone else
to do the work i.e. reusing components that may have been written by someone
• The interpretation of the message is determined by the receiver and can vary
with different receivers. For example, if you sent the message “deliver flowers”
to a friend, she will probably have understood what was required and flowers
would still have been delivered but the method she used would have been very
different from that used by the florist.
• In object-oriented programming, behaviour is described in terms of responsibilities.
• Client’s requests for actions only indicates the desired outcome. The receivers
are free to pursue any technique that achieves the desired outcomes.
• Thinking in this way allows greater independence between objects.
• Thus, objects have responsibilities that they are willing to fulfill on request. The
collection of reponsibilities associated with an object is often called a protocol.
important principle explains the use of messages to initiate action:
Action is initiated in object-oriented programming by the transmission of a
message to an agent (an object) responsible for the actions. The message
encodes the request for an action and is accompanied by any additional
information (arguments/parameters) needed to carry out the request. The
receiver is the object to whom the message is sent. If the receiver accepts the message, it accepts responsibility to carry out the indicated action. In
response to a message, the receiver will perform some method to satisfy the
There are some important issues to point out here:
• The client sending the request need not know the means by which the request
is carried out. In this we see the principle of information hiding.
• Another principle implicit in message passing is the idea of finding someone else
to do the work i.e. reusing components that may have been written by someone
• The interpretation of the message is determined by the receiver and can vary
with different receivers. For example, if you sent the message “deliver flowers”
to a friend, she will probably have understood what was required and flowers
would still have been delivered but the method she used would have been very
different from that used by the florist.
• In object-oriented programming, behaviour is described in terms of responsibilities.
• Client’s requests for actions only indicates the desired outcome. The receivers
are free to pursue any technique that achieves the desired outcomes.
• Thinking in this way allows greater independence between objects.
• Thus, objects have responsibilities that they are willing to fulfill on request. The
collection of reponsibilities associated with an object is often called a protocol.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Object Orientation as a New Paradigm: The Big Picture
It is claimed that the problem-solving techniques used in object-oriented programming
more closely models the way humans solve day-to-day problems.3
So lets consider how we solve an everyday problem: Suppose you wanted to send
flowers to a friend named Robin who lives in another city.To solve this problem you
simply walk to your nearest florist run by, lets say, Fred. You tell Fred the kinds of
flowers to send and the address to which they should be delivered. You can be assured
that the flowers will be delivered.
Now, lets examine the mechanisms used to solve your problem.
• You first found an appropriate agent (Fred, in this case) and you passed to this
agent a message containing a request.
• It is the responsibility of Fred to satisfy the request.
• There is some method (an algorithm or set of operations) used by Fred to do
• You do not need to know the particular methods used to satisfy the request—
such information is hidden from view.
Off course, you do not want to know the details, but on investigation you may find
that Fred delivered a slightly different message to another florist in the city where
your friend Robin lives. That florist then passes another message to a subordinate
who makes the floral arrangement.The flowers, along with yet another message, is
passed onto a delivery person and so on. The florists also has interactions with wholesalers
who, in turn, had interactions with flower growers and so on.
This leads to our first conceptual picture of object-oriented programming:
An object-oriented program is structured as community of interacting agents
called objects. Each object has a role to play. Each object provides a service
or performs an action that is used by other members of the community.
more closely models the way humans solve day-to-day problems.3
So lets consider how we solve an everyday problem: Suppose you wanted to send
flowers to a friend named Robin who lives in another city.To solve this problem you
simply walk to your nearest florist run by, lets say, Fred. You tell Fred the kinds of
flowers to send and the address to which they should be delivered. You can be assured
that the flowers will be delivered.
Now, lets examine the mechanisms used to solve your problem.
• You first found an appropriate agent (Fred, in this case) and you passed to this
agent a message containing a request.
• It is the responsibility of Fred to satisfy the request.
• There is some method (an algorithm or set of operations) used by Fred to do
• You do not need to know the particular methods used to satisfy the request—
such information is hidden from view.
Off course, you do not want to know the details, but on investigation you may find
that Fred delivered a slightly different message to another florist in the city where
your friend Robin lives. That florist then passes another message to a subordinate
who makes the floral arrangement.The flowers, along with yet another message, is
passed onto a delivery person and so on. The florists also has interactions with wholesalers
who, in turn, had interactions with flower growers and so on.
This leads to our first conceptual picture of object-oriented programming:
An object-oriented program is structured as community of interacting agents
called objects. Each object has a role to play. Each object provides a service
or performs an action that is used by other members of the community.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Logic Programming
Prolog (PROgramming in LOGic) 2 is the most widely available language in the logic
programming paradigm. It is based on the mathematical ideas of relations and logical
inference. Prolog is a declarative language meaning that rather than describing
how to compute a solution, a program consists of a data base of facts and logical
relationships (rules) which describe the relationships which hold for the given application.
Rather then running a program to obtain a solution, the user asks a question.
When asked a question, the run time system searches through the data base of facts
and rules to determine (by logical deduction) the answer.
Logic programming was an attempt to make a programming language that enabled
the expression of logic instead of carefully specified instructions on the computer.
In the logic programming language Prolog you supply a database of facts and
rules; you can then perform queries on the database.
This is also an example of a declarative style of programming where we state or
define what we know.
In the following example, we declare facts about some domain. We can then query
these facts—we can ask, for example, are sally and tom siblings?
sibling(X,Y) :− parent(Z,X), parent(Z,Y).
parent(X,Y) :− father(X,Y).
parent(X,Y) :− mother(X,Y).
mother(trude, sally).
father(tom, sally).
father(tom, erica).
father(mike, tom).
The factorial function is written in prolog as two rules. Again, notice the declarative
nature of the program.
fac(N,F) :− N > 0,
M is N − 1,
F is N Fm.
To summarize:
• In procedural languages, everything is a procedure.
• In functional languages, everything is a function.
• In logic programming languages, everything is a logical expression (predicate).
• In object-oriented languages, everything is an object.
programming paradigm. It is based on the mathematical ideas of relations and logical
inference. Prolog is a declarative language meaning that rather than describing
how to compute a solution, a program consists of a data base of facts and logical
relationships (rules) which describe the relationships which hold for the given application.
Rather then running a program to obtain a solution, the user asks a question.
When asked a question, the run time system searches through the data base of facts
and rules to determine (by logical deduction) the answer.
Logic programming was an attempt to make a programming language that enabled
the expression of logic instead of carefully specified instructions on the computer.
In the logic programming language Prolog you supply a database of facts and
rules; you can then perform queries on the database.
This is also an example of a declarative style of programming where we state or
define what we know.
In the following example, we declare facts about some domain. We can then query
these facts—we can ask, for example, are sally and tom siblings?
sibling(X,Y) :− parent(Z,X), parent(Z,Y).
parent(X,Y) :− father(X,Y).
parent(X,Y) :− mother(X,Y).
mother(trude, sally).
father(tom, sally).
father(tom, erica).
father(mike, tom).
The factorial function is written in prolog as two rules. Again, notice the declarative
nature of the program.
fac(N,F) :− N > 0,
M is N − 1,
F is N Fm.
To summarize:
• In procedural languages, everything is a procedure.
• In functional languages, everything is a function.
• In logic programming languages, everything is a logical expression (predicate).
• In object-oriented languages, everything is an object.
Functional programming
Functional programming is a programming paradigm that treats computation as the
evaluation of mathematical functions. Functional programming emphasizes the definition
of functions, in contrast to procedural programming, which emphasizes the
execution of sequential commands.
The following is the factorial function written in a functional language called Lisp:
(defun factorial (n)
(if (<= n 1) 1 ( n (factorial (− n 1))))
Notice that it defines the factorial function rather than give the steps to calculate it.
The factorial of n is defined as 1 if n <= 1 else it is n factorial(n − 1)
evaluation of mathematical functions. Functional programming emphasizes the definition
of functions, in contrast to procedural programming, which emphasizes the
execution of sequential commands.
The following is the factorial function written in a functional language called Lisp:
(defun factorial (n)
(if (<= n 1) 1 ( n (factorial (− n 1))))
Notice that it defines the factorial function rather than give the steps to calculate it.
The factorial of n is defined as 1 if n <= 1 else it is n factorial(n − 1)
Programming Paradigms
Object-oriented programming is one of several programming paradigms. Other programming
paradigms include the imperative programming paradigm (as exemplified
by languages such as Pascal or C), the logic programming paradigm (Prolog), and the
functional programming paradigm (exemplified by languages such as ML, Haskell or
Lisp). Logic and functional languages are said to be declarative languages.
We use the word paradigm to mean “any example or model”.
This usage of the word was popularised by the science historian Thomas Kuhn.
He used the term to describe a set of theories, standards and methods that together
represent a way of organising knowledge—a way of viewing the world.
Thus a programming paradigm is a
. . . way of conceptualising what it means to perform computation and how
tasks to be carried out on a computer should be structured and organised.
We can distinguish between two types of programming languages: Imperative
languages and declarative languages. Imperative knowledge describes how-to knowledge
while declarative knowledge is what-is knowledge.
A program is ”declarative” if it describes what something is like, rather than how
to create it. This is a different approach from traditional imperative programming
languages such as Fortran, and C, which require the programmer to specify an algorithm
to be run. In short, imperative programs make the algorithm explicit and
leave the goal implicit, while declarative programs make the goal explicit and leave
the algorithm implicit.
Imperative languages require you to write down a step-by-step recipe specifing
how something is to be done. For example to calculate the factorial function in an
imperative language we would write something like:
public int factorial(int n) {
int ans=1;
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++){
ans = ans i;
return ans;
Here, we give a procedure (a set of steps) that when followed will produce the
paradigms include the imperative programming paradigm (as exemplified
by languages such as Pascal or C), the logic programming paradigm (Prolog), and the
functional programming paradigm (exemplified by languages such as ML, Haskell or
Lisp). Logic and functional languages are said to be declarative languages.
We use the word paradigm to mean “any example or model”.
This usage of the word was popularised by the science historian Thomas Kuhn.
He used the term to describe a set of theories, standards and methods that together
represent a way of organising knowledge—a way of viewing the world.
Thus a programming paradigm is a
. . . way of conceptualising what it means to perform computation and how
tasks to be carried out on a computer should be structured and organised.
We can distinguish between two types of programming languages: Imperative
languages and declarative languages. Imperative knowledge describes how-to knowledge
while declarative knowledge is what-is knowledge.
A program is ”declarative” if it describes what something is like, rather than how
to create it. This is a different approach from traditional imperative programming
languages such as Fortran, and C, which require the programmer to specify an algorithm
to be run. In short, imperative programs make the algorithm explicit and
leave the goal implicit, while declarative programs make the goal explicit and leave
the algorithm implicit.
Imperative languages require you to write down a step-by-step recipe specifing
how something is to be done. For example to calculate the factorial function in an
imperative language we would write something like:
public int factorial(int n) {
int ans=1;
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++){
ans = ans i;
return ans;
Here, we give a procedure (a set of steps) that when followed will produce the
What is Object Oriented Programming?
OBJECT-ORIENTATION is a set of tools and methods that enable software engineers
to build reliable, user friendly, maintainable, well documented, reusable software systems that fulfills the requirements of its users. It is claimed that object-orientation
provides software developers with new mind tools to use in solving a wide variety of
problems. Object-orientation provides a new view of computation. A software system
is seen as a community of objects that cooperate with with each other by passing
messages in solving a problem.
An object-oriented programming laguage provides support for the following objectoriented
Objects and Classes
Polymophism and Dynamic binding
to build reliable, user friendly, maintainable, well documented, reusable software systems that fulfills the requirements of its users. It is claimed that object-orientation
provides software developers with new mind tools to use in solving a wide variety of
problems. Object-orientation provides a new view of computation. A software system
is seen as a community of objects that cooperate with with each other by passing
messages in solving a problem.
An object-oriented programming laguage provides support for the following objectoriented
Objects and Classes
Polymophism and Dynamic binding
OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (OOP) represents an attempt to make programs
more closely model the way people think about and deal with the world. In the older
styles of programming, a programmer who is faced with some problem must identify
a computing task that needs to be performed in order to solve the problem. Programming
then consists of finding a sequence of instructions that will accomplish that
task. But at the heart of object-oriented programming, instead of tasks we find objects
– entities that have behaviors, that hold information, and that can interact with
one another. Programming consists of designing a set of objects that model the problem
at hand. Software objects in the program can represent real or abstract entities
in the problem domain. This is supposed to make the design of the program more
natural and hence easier to get right and easier to understand.
An object-oriented programming language such as JAVA includes a number of
features that make it very different from a standard language. In order to make
effective use of those features, you have to “orient” your thinking correctly.
more closely model the way people think about and deal with the world. In the older
styles of programming, a programmer who is faced with some problem must identify
a computing task that needs to be performed in order to solve the problem. Programming
then consists of finding a sequence of instructions that will accomplish that
task. But at the heart of object-oriented programming, instead of tasks we find objects
– entities that have behaviors, that hold information, and that can interact with
one another. Programming consists of designing a set of objects that model the problem
at hand. Software objects in the program can represent real or abstract entities
in the problem domain. This is supposed to make the design of the program more
natural and hence easier to get right and easier to understand.
An object-oriented programming language such as JAVA includes a number of
features that make it very different from a standard language. In order to make
effective use of those features, you have to “orient” your thinking correctly.
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